Why Do Silsby, High Hill And Cuddle Lakes Hold So Many Trophy Pike?
A wise trophy pike fisherman once told me that in order to catch trophy pike you have to go to where there are trophy pike. This may sound simple but it’s really the truth. Due to the conditions, policies and our track record of catching and releasing trophy pike, we are blessed to be stewards of lakes “where there are trophy pike”. 1. Our strict catch and release policy Since inception in 1990, a strict catch-and-release policy has been in place before conservation fishing was a popular trend. No treble hooks and single barbless hooks are mandatory on all of our lakes. We take catch-and-release fishing a step further by making sure our trophy pike are handled properly at the boat with catch-and-release cradles. In addition we take extra care when handling these trophy pike by only keeping them out of the water for a maximum of 30 seconds and supporting their bellies while holding them for a QUICK picture. When it’s time to release these beautiful trophy pike, we take as much time as needed to properly revive the fish until it's ready to swim away. These proven methods have allowed us to enjoy an extremely low mortality rate of our trophy pike, which has brought many screams of excitement and never ending smiles to our guests. 2. Low fishing pressure We strategically limit the amount of fisherpersons to keep fishing pressure to a minimum. Silsby has a maximum capacity of 18 people per week and both Cuddle and High Hill have a 10 person capacity. Our lakes are 17 to 20-miles long and 3 to 5-miles wide. By limiting our capacity, we also give you the chance to experience the solitude of the Northern Manitoba bush without crowds. We hope you can be one of the fortunate few to experience this. 3. Location, Location, Location Due to our remote fly-in only location in Northern Manitoba and the nearest road being 90-miles away, we have exclusive rights to all of our waters. We have had and will always have TOTAL control of our trophy pike population. This fact assures you, our valued guest, that no one has ever interfered with our trophy pike fishery and no one ever will! 4. Good food makes for fat Trophy Pike Silsby Lake is loaded with whitefish, mullet and walleyes. These three species of fish make up the diet of our trophy pike. As you can see from our photo gallery, they play a huge role in making our trophy pike very girthy. "Silsby lake is loaded with fatty's", which is a saying our guests use after being fortunate enough to experience the awesome fishing. 5. The perfect habitat and structure for holding trophy pike All three of our lakes are part of the same water system and all have same characteristics, which are essential for holding trophy pike. All three lakes have many bays, islands, reefs and rock ledges. Once the summer rolls in, the lakes form thick oxygen-filled cabbage-weed weed-beds. This attracts the insects, which attract the walleyes and whitefish. Thus also attracts the trophy pike. It's the classic example of the food-chain and it makes the summer months at Silsby the best place for trophy pike in Manitoba. |